Spring flowers means only one thing for those in the trenches of ministry to kids… EASTER!
Easter is generally when everybody and their brother tries a little church. We’ve all been gearing up long before April hits to chk programming and somehow anticipate numbers of volunteers needed. But, let’s get a bit personal for a moment, eh? I have been through that weekend and never took time for a moment to embrace what is was to me. I was in leader mode- that Mary and Martha conflict deal. I tend to be a doer, so I can get an A in action and an F in being still. The sad part is that we do it to ourselves… like we have any power to do anything apart from His grace. Not a good place to be.
To all the Martha’s out there…
Carve out time now before the weekend is in full season and ponder the meaning of the cross. Reflect on His graciousness to you. What the resurrection means to you as a follower of Christ, not a ministry person, but a kid of the most High. Read the story for yourself of the account of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is from Him, through Him, to Him.
Our church has a good Friday experience. The church is open all day, so many can come at their convenience. Their are “stations” if you will , of personal memory for you to experience. It’s accompanied by some great worship. I love that it is kept minimal, but so powerful for leaders and volunteers as they prep to serve. Makes me reflect. Makes me a better leader.