He walked the same earth you walked, yet holds the stars in place. His fingers touched the dirt He made. Wonder what he was thinking when He bent down and touched it? We’re made of that dust and dirt. Humanity. He saw us as valuable and precious despite us turning away.

I love getting to minister to kids because they love things like dirt, looking at stars, etc. They have a sense of wonder. They are in awe at simple things we take for granted. Bugs,leaves,sounds of life. It humbles me to stop and wonder too.

As Good Friday is upon us, I pray we each are filled with the WONDER of the cross and the price paid. Become like a child…

Author: Misty

Orange Specialist and Coach to help leaders think and WIN in strategic ministry. Love to stir the pot and remind leaders and volunteers that what they do is VALUABLE and eternal. Ministry is ALWAYS morphing to present the timeless Message. If not, your stuck!

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