What a great weekend for the church. Non church people are willing to give church a try for the sake of the Easter holiday. Ours was packed out with 8 services. The real deal is that you and I know that people were stirred and moved only because of the Holy Spirit in our midst at our churches across the country this past weekend. The Holy Spirit is still prompting those hearts to the Father even as I write. We get opp’s this weekend for those returning. They may be skeptical, but willing to return. START YOUR ENGINES. Get your team around your table to keep the great ideas coming to make these kids/families feel welcome. TUNE your ministry to be friendly. Make it a safe experience emotionally for them. TEST your process’ out and see what doesn’t really seem outward focused. How’s your arrival, departure in your ministry area? I’ve witnessed the crime of saying you’re guest friendly, but actions are totally inward focused to regular attendees. Don’t commit the children’s ministry crime of exclusion. We church people unintentionally good at that.Our system works for the club members. TWEAK it. Tweak it some more! People whom Christ loves SOOOO much are coming back for another weekend experience trial. START your engines and let’s RIDE!


He walked the same earth you walked, yet holds the stars in place. His fingers touched the dirt He made. Wonder what he was thinking when He bent down and touched it? We’re made of that dust and dirt. Humanity. He saw us as valuable and precious despite us turning away.

I love getting to minister to kids because they love things like dirt, looking at stars, etc. They have a sense of wonder. They are in awe at simple things we take for granted. Bugs,leaves,sounds of life. It humbles me to stop and wonder too.

As Good Friday is upon us, I pray we each are filled with the WONDER of the cross and the price paid. Become like a child…

Stepping Stones

In the path of life in ministry there are stepping stones. Some closer than others. The ones in close proximity are easy to see with no real effort to reach. Other times you must strettttch to reach the next stone. And if you ‘ve been on the ministry path for awhile you wonder if there are no more stones to reach for. That’s when you must again declare your dependance on the Path Maker. It’s all about faith and trust. He’s got your area of ministry in His hands. As a leader, your job is to look and listen to the Path Maker.
Ministry is a series of ups and downs on a path, but keeping one foot in front of the other is paramount in moving forward in improving ministry. If your stones are a bit stretched right now, bring others to your studio table and talk about it. It is foolish to think you have it all together. We need each other to pray and help see the next steps to take. Including valued team members to problem solve is a one of the best choices we make. Proverbs says that wisdom comes from many counselors (my paraphrase) Get wisdom. Get guided counsel. Those stepping stones that God is stretching us for will be celebrated better as a team.