Heavenly Rewards

Are you part time as a ministry leader?  I was for a season.  I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to be a part time ministry leader when my kids were younger.  There are a lot of ministry leaders juggling work/home. But I’ve come to a conclusion.  For those passionate to reach kids, there’s really no such thing as part time.  You eat, breath and think ministry.

You take things home. You wake up at night thinking how to make a lesson plan even better.  You go to a store and see an item that you could use in your small group time.  You strive to grow your volunteer team. You send texts, notes and pray for team members.  My hunch is that most of this isn’t done while at church.  You search for insights to help improve and develop yourself as a leader. You are nothing short of  full time in the effort you make as you do ministry part time.

Here’s the key to keep before you.  You have a great King you report to who equips you to do much more than you thought  In fact, you can do ALL things through Him (Phil 4:13) All things includes ministry too.  It’s all His anyway.  All your gifts, strengths and leadership.  Draw your strength from Him.  Stay close in prayer. And never stop striving to grow as you lead.


Author: Misty

Orange Specialist and Coach to help leaders think and WIN in strategic ministry. Love to stir the pot and remind leaders and volunteers that what they do is VALUABLE and eternal. Ministry is ALWAYS morphing to present the timeless Message. If not, your stuck!

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