It’s a word that holds power. It’s positive. It opens doors.
As a ministry leader what IF the words were YES for your team, your families and kids at your church? What if three letters could help you climb over the hurdle of average in ministry? I don’t know about you, but the Gospel is way too wonderful for the word average What has average done? According to Barna research, average has helped about 70% of kids who turn 18 walk away from the church. What’s your church saying YES to, to change that trajectory?
If you are serious about impacting kids from crib to college, its going to take lot of conversations, consideration and prayer. BUT nothing will happen until you start by say YES! You can certainly do this right where you are. But if you were to gather with people who have done what you do, and love kids and families- what might happen? The Orange Conference in Atlanta this year can help get you on your way to YES in just about every area of ministry to kids and families. Check it out.
Here’s a great way to get a free ticket. Offer will expire VERY soon Friday March 14!
Say YES to kids, win a free ticket to Orange Conference 2014!