As I sit at the Idea Studio table today I am thinking about vegetables. Wait. Hear me out.
Even in my adult life there were ‘keep away” signs on some veggies I knew others enjoyed. But after watching the food channel I was perplexed. What’s up with that? Humans who enjoyed sprouts from Brussels, asparagus and spinach actually exist?
What was wrong with these people?
Well, it turns out the joke was on me. I put my game face on. I endeavored to prepare a few of these veggies just like Rachael Ray- and was pleasantly surprised. I am proud to say that even I have grown to love these veggies. So, what changed? The delivery.
It is all in the prep and delivery in ministry. And yes, things always tie into a ministry applications for me. Are you on the look out for new ways to present quality programming that is fresh and delicious to kids? Are you assisting in imparting ideas to your volunteers to keep them cooking? Like veggies, ministry concepts may be good for us, but it is ALL in the delivery. Innovation is the fresh recipe for ministry. It’s about serving up the timeless message of Christ to the next generation.
May a new vegetable be in your future…I dare you.
Let’s dialogue. The idea studio table always has a chair for you to jump in.