I have heard SO many great stories from people who do ministry both as a volunteer and paid staff who lead kids. These are not your average bear leaders. No- this is a new breed of clever! One who is focused on a mission of re-activating the family in their church and community. They are change agents. They are doing all they can to lift that bushel and let the Light of Christ shine.
These leaders are making compelling vision casts to their pastors. They are evaluating multi-programmed services that send multiple messages, (what Pastor does this for the adult congregation on a weekend?!) They are seeing the value in teaching less is more! These leaders are CLEVER at figuring out you can leverage influence when you send the same message each time you meet with purpose. There are clever leaders engaging parents AND kids at the same time in a service designed to be shared for those IN and OUT of the church. Yep, they are clever like that! These great people are going above and beyond the committee and task force days of old to cast a compelling vision to those they report to with passion.
Jesus gave high priority to kids- and said don’t you hinder them. Clever. Make your mission crystal clear each time you get the opportunity to have kids come to your ministry area. Be clever like that and don’t you dare shrink back!