It’s no big announcement to say that we are all human. We make mistakes. You have opportunities every moment of your day to succeed or fail at whatever you do. Relationships are sticky. Walking out your faith leading ministry is stickier as people are involved. People who we serve with are human! We humans make mistakes and fail. And reputation is everything when it comes to credibility. Proverbs says it very simply, but so true as “even a child is known by his doings.” We are all known by our doings. As a ministry leader I hope you will keep on believing the best in people. I hear how volunteers don’t show up on time, or show at all. I hear of people not stepping up to serve. People will let you down at times, (you will too) but I don’t want you to let that stop you from believing the best in people you serve with as you lead ministry.
I hope you will resist any hardening of your heart when people let you down. As a leader keep believing the best in people. Ask people to fill big roles in ministry. Help others step out in something new as they serve. Ask big asks. They may fail, but you keep being their cheerleader. Keep believing the best and pulling out the best in people as you lead ministry. I have been astounded by the positive answers I have received when asking big asks and believing the best. Keep asking and believe the best!