ORANGE WEEK: Something Happens…

Digging through some old emails way back in 2007  I read an email inviting me to a new type of conference.  Something was about to happen.   The email was from Reggie Joiner.  It read:

We are combining our efforts to create an alternative conference that offers a different approach for leaders who are determined to make an impact on the next generation. We think now is the time to launch out and establish a unique conference that fuels what we consider to be the key movements effectively impacting children and students.

Reggie was right.  Something did happen.  I could not help but be impacted at the building momentum of people determined to see God move through effective ministry to kids and families.  And we were just getting started.


Now, here we are in 2014 with lots of experience (and hard knocks) behind us, more determined than ever to impact ministry in the local church.  It’s not about a clever term or color called Orange, but people who know what matters. Kids matter to God. Why would we settle for anything mediocre in ministry to kids and families?


Something happens when you come. Something happens when you get AWAY from ministry to focus ON ministry! Something happens when you attend as a team you serve with to bounce ideas and process what you have heard and experienced.  Something happens when God move you through speakers from all over the country to reach do ministry better. Something happens when you fellowship other people who DO what you do week after week.   Let something happen to you by experiencing ORANGE 2014.  What’s the answer? YES! Best rates and travel helps are on the site for you.  See you there!

Beatlemania and ministry

Fifty years ago the world knew not what was about to happen on the Ed Sullivan show.  A group of 4 young men were about to invade culture and make an impact.  They got to do what they loved to do: music!  And here we are fifty years later singing their tunes because like it or not, the simple lyrics are in our heads.  The Beatles engaged people.

Much more than any band that hit the USA,  I think ministry to kids should be engaging.  Let’s think bigger than  tables, chairs and color pages and engage kids with the Good News!  The Bible recounts of how Jesus engaged people.   Jesus spoke the simple lyrics of truth and engaged those near him.  He drew crowds.  His conversation was about mercy and love which people longed to hear.  Sometime it was a painful truth (rich young ruler) but never the less,  truth that engaged.   And they talked about what they had heard with one another.   Like kids ministry, Jesus used practical every  things to present  truth.  Mud,  spit,  wheat, fish, boats, bread and more. Everyday things can be engaging when presented in creative ways.

Jesus gave the high priority of an invite for kids to come to Him.   Let’s not fear how we engage them, but be purposeful to draw them.  Love Andy Stanley’s words on this: take culture which is ever changing to present that which NEVER changes.   Why?  He loves you,  yeah, yeah, yeah.