Who is pumped about a new year?! It’s a new start. It’s a new beginning. And the best part is that with Jesus the future always looks bright, no matter what’s on your calendar. We have hope. We have peace.
Leading kids ministry is hard. We don’t know what the new year will bring. Plan ahead and take a moment to consider 5 things that can help you win as you lead Kid Ministry in 2015.
1. Reflect: What do you wish you had a “do over” in ministry in 2014? We all have “those” moments to recall. Use reflection to re- think and learn from 2014. Joys and sorrows count. Reflect on the faithfulness of God.
2. Be still: Stop letting the ministry lead you. Where can you prioritize family and your time with the Lord? Margins are to help us run the race we are in. Prayer and devotion time carved out is the only Source where you will gain strength from. You are on a borrowed journey of leading ministry. Remember this isn’t yours. Ask for a new vision for what you are to do in 2015.
3. Push: God is all about using you as His conduit. Dare to make changes you know need to happen. Dare to cast vision and push for your community. How can you focus on those who have yet to come to your church? Set your ministry up so that ALL parents –wherever they are on their spiritual journey, can WIN with their kids at your church. Status quo won’t cut it anymore. If you know there are changes you need to bring: go for it.
4. Organize: Put people to serve in their strengths. Do that and you can ask for a bigger commitment. Get stuff OFF your plate and allow others to lead in their strength. Create a safe place for kids to come and give them the gift of a full time small group volunteer to be in their life. Once a month volunteers are great, but don’t give them a role that a full time volunteer needs to be in. Organize your team for a win in 2015.
5. Alignment: Organize ministry service times so that student ministry doesn’t compete with a serve time for teens. Sundays are “GO” time for youth to be used and valued in living out their faith by serving. It IS ministry when a teen IS serving. Mentor your teens and work WITH your student ministry team to create serve opp’s. Kids LOVE teens. Don’t miss out.