New Year. New Opp’s

I’m pumped about the idea of “NEW” in a new year.  What an opportunity!  Opportunity to pray and plan.  Opportunity to grow personally.  Opp’s for best ministry practices to come to fruition.  I want to embrace all the NEW a new year has to offer.  Clean out the old and ring in the new.   Although it’s deep into winter now, spring will come.  That’s why farmers have decided on their seeds now to  before their fields are touched.   They are busy planning for harvest even in January.   Take a lesson from the farmer (hey it’s biblical too). Take time while this year is brand new to get your seed ready to sow.  Don’t just keep doing what you’ve always done. Your calendar may run away with you with the same old same old again this year if you don’t.   New opportunities are here in 2015 to reach kids and families with the Good News.  Are you planning for a great crop season?

What seeds do you have in hand?  Seed is first!   Most forward motion requires thought and challenges personally and in ministry. God loves it when we use what we have to see more come about.   The farmer is not dreading the difficult plowing and sowing time ahead because he is thinking about a great harvest.  The farmer is not afraid of hard work and you should make a note of that. Ministry is hard, but so worth it.   What are your harvest plans in 2015?    Like the farmer, you will be SO glad you worked and cultivated ministry when you see the harvest come in.

Four questions to help you plan for a harvest in ministry to kids and families.

What will you do differently to reach and grow your volunteers?   Be a learner on how to engage people to serve.  Start talking more, equipping more and asking more of your volunteers.  They are pretty amazing when in their sweet spot of serving and will show up!

What will you do to better partner with ALL parents in your church?  What about the “edge” parents who are distant? What about the invested parents?  Family ministry is  much more than just a family day event or fall festival.  It’s more than a paper handout recapping a service. Do you have a  master vision plan for your field of families?  Farmers do.

How can you  plan to better align kids’ ministry as a church?  Do you regularly meet and plan together as leadership team, or are you all farming your own field?    In the new year there is a bigger harvest opportunity when you team up.  Put away the ego’s and think TEAM in 2015.

What do you need to stop doing (ouch) so you can lean in and start something else that’s more effective?  (this may hurt a bit, but you will be glad you did).

Love to hear how this is processed by teams.  Happy farming.


Together is better than alone…

fish aquarium

Together is better than alone…

At times I have been SO focused on a ministry challenge that I forgot the forest for the trees. It can be a lonely feeling.  Pressure is there to come through, whatever the challenge is. If there were just another soul with fresh eyes in the trenches to bounCe ideas off of… to help me “C” things more clearly. Topics like:

Recruiting and keeping A+ volunteers. Easy to say, hard to do and keep it going.
The right Programming to stay fresh. Appreciating the team you have. Staying focused and built up spiritually. How do YOU turn the ship to current effective ministry?
Yikes! SO many of trees in the forest.

OK. Deep breath. What if together we sit down at the idea studio table, grab a coffee and for the sake of the Gospel- bounCe (so we can “C”) solutions off of one another to make ministry to kids and students and leaders the very BEST.

SO…what’s your big hairy audacious challenge in ministry right now? Individually we cannot begin to have all the answers to this gift of ministering, but I invite you to jump in with me to bounCe ideas off of one another and network.


Fishing for volunteers

What’s the biggest success story you have in recruiting “keepers” in volunteering from your side of the table?

Like to bring a question to the table? We’re all ears…